Hyundai HYWH-850RM Professional Air Fed Welding Helmet The HYWH-850RM is a professional air fed welding helmet from Hyundai, featuring solar auto-dimming with spectral filtering technology, photoelectric sensors and liquid crystal light control technology, the HYWH-850RM offers full head respiratory protection to the welder, the perfect welding solution for welders in the most demanding conditions where filtered air is a must for a safe and comfortable working environment. Weighing only 1.1kg and supplied within a kit bag for easy storage and transport. The lightweight, compact design enables the user to wear comfortably for long periods of time and the soft fabric ensures a complete seal against hazardous fumes. Air supplied welding helmets use an air powered blower system that is worn by the welder around his waist which collects and filters the ambient air to a very high degree. Providing 99.8% purity the HYWH-850RM delivers fresh clean air to the welders breathing area for up to 8
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