SUPPORT HIP SLING- lift sling is a simple and effective solution for mobility especially for elderly dogs, weak hind legs, orthopedic injuries, hip dysplasia, Arthritis pain, ACL / CCL surgery or other debilitating ailments MAKE MOBILITY EASILY- Excellent to help your doggy stand up, up and down stairs, get in and out of vehicles, onto furniture, outside for a bathroom break, or to provide some assistance when taking a walk COMFORT & NO PAIN- Providing ultimate care to weak and senior dog through thickening design and soft lining with sheepskin-like covering. Moreover,the handle equipped with removable padding is perfect for protecting your hand for easy comfortable carry HEAVY DUTY STRAP- A reflective nylon band runs through the whole sturdy sling to hold the weight of any breed. Adjustable straps were long enough to fit a range of breeds. Even if your pooches are short or you’re tall, this carrier work well for you EASY TO USE & CARRY- The sling does not get in the way when she
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