Many uses This warning triangle can be used as a warning or stop sign in emergency situations such as car breakdowns or emergency maintenance and also can be prepared as police road planning sign etc. at critical times. High-quality material This warning triangle uses high-quality reflective materials, which is sturdy and durable, adopts the principle of total reflection, scientifically designs hexagonal diamonds, high sensitivity, can adapt to bad weather such as rain and snow, and also can guarantee the reflection effect of day and night, for your security escort design easy to carry foldable, provide a storage box, you can put the car triangle in the storage box to avoid scratching the reflective surface, prolong service life, save storage space, and be flexible and practical. Good stabilityThe base of this triangle is made of metal parts and equipped with non-slip foot pads, firm and durable. Even in strong winds and snowstorms, you don’t have to worry about stability, and your
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