
The Dipperox SC400 stump crusher is a convenient tool to use in populated areas, such as private gardens, parks, and urban areas, since it is not as large as the Dipperfox stump crusher 600 and 850 models. This makes it a perfect fit for gardeners, arborists, and related professionals. It has a number of advantages over self-propelled grinders. For example, its hydraulic motor yields a torque of 13,000 N, allowing it to cut at low RPMs to protect the blades from coming into contact with rocks.
No Debris Guards Required
Additionally, the need for a wide safety perimeter around the grinder is no longer required. Since the blades are not moving at high speed. All the debris will remain in the same vicinity of the drilling spot, thus reducing the time spent on clearing up. And of course, there’s no need to use any debris guards, another timesaver.
Low Noise Level
Furthermore, SC400 produces less noise pollution than high-speed grinders, so it is suitable for use in urban environments. It can also remove stumps from areas with limited access. For example, next to buildings or tree stumps that are surrounded by tarmac and stones. Finally, it can be used with various carriers, which makes the Dipperfox stump grinder unique.
The Dipperfox SC400 Can Be Used With A Variety Of Power Units
- Mini diggers/excavators.
- Larger excavators up to 5 tons.
- All kinds of loaders.
- Skid steer loaders.
- Avant type loaders.
- Stand on utility tracked loaders.
Requirements For The Dipperfox Stump Crusher
- size 1-5 t.
- Engine power 35-60 kW.
- Working pressure 110-250bar.
- Hydraulic flow 30-130 l/min.

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