We’re proud of our tools and of our heritage so we’re providing this tool with a 10 Year Guarantee for piece of mind HEAD >> Special ‘Wiggle’ Style Hoe Head STAINLESS >> Stainless Steel Head HANDLE >> 1.5m Long & Strong Ash Timber Handle It works just below the surface where its sharp blades cut on both the push and the pull stroke. Its by far the quickest hoe out there Also known as a scuffle or Oscillating hoe – a useful addition to any gardener’s armoury in the fight against weeds. A Really Popular tool in the US and the continent where it’s know as a shuffle hula hoe that has and is gaining favour this side of the pond. It works just below the surface where its sharp blades cut on both the push and the pull stroke. Its by far the quickest hoe out there and now a massive personal favourite, i just wish I had tried it sooner. Our hoes, like our other tools, are built with the gardener in mind using long back friendly sculpted handles and sharped cutting heads to ease though the
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