MO Bacter slow release organic fertiliser from Viano of Belgium is a granular organic fertiliser which rids your lawn of moss, feeds grass and improves the soil all in one. Not only that, but scarifying after you have treated your grass with MO Bacter will not be necessary and it will not burn plants in your borders if you should spread it beyond your lawn. One of the major benefits is it destroys moss without leaving any of the unsightly black debris. The dead moss is actually digested by the bacteria (npk: 5-5-20) leaving your lawn looking healthier. Also, have you ever been annoyed at the stain on your patio or driveway after treating your lawn with normal fertiliser? You now have no need to worry as MO Bacter Organic Fertiliser does not stain stonework, patios or paths – a massive bonus! MO Bacter Organic Fertiliser is a unique moss destroyer as it will not send your moss black and saves you from back breaking work. Lawns are left free of any debris with no need to scarify, it’s
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