Timberwolf S426TDHB Shredder

Today we are looking at the Timberwolf S426TDHB Shredder, this shredder is powered by a Kubota diesel engine. Over the past few days we have been looking at Timberwolf chippers, so today I thought would look at a Timberwolf shredder. This Timberwolf Shredder retails around £3500 including vat.

When I look at the Timberwolf shredder it looks very similar to any other wood chipper, but inside the shredder is very different.
Commercial shredders are traditionally used for the removal of green waste. They are ideal for park use, landscapers, professional waste management and professional gardeners. The Timberwolf S426TDHB Shredder is designed to meet the heavy-duty needs expected from a professional machine.
We Have A Wide Range Of Chippers And Spreaders Here

- Powered by a quiet reliable Kubota diesel engine.
- Large infeed capacity.
- Ideal for pallets.
- High-efficiency shredding.
- Anti-wrap design.
- Air assist discharge.
- Adjustable discharge chute.
- Optional five-year warranty.
How Does The Timberwolf S426TDHB Shredder work?
Traditionally commercial wood chippers have a large flywheel with two blades that chip against a hardened metal anvil. With a commercial shredder, the process is different. Instead of a flywheel with blades, there are what we call “flails” that smash the material into small pieces. You can often see flail mowers cutting the verges and hedges in fields. The great thing about flail is that it doesn’t need to be sharp like a traditional blade. The flail has more of a hammer action and beating action rather than a clean cutting action.
Bulky And Awkward Material
The Timberwolf S426TDHB Shredder disposes of bulky and awkward material with ease. Bulky material can be fed into the large feed tunnel by the oversized feed roller. The large feed area is 426 mm x 230 mm.

Heavy-Duty Forged Steel Hammers (Flails)
There are 18 heavy-duty forged steel hammers (flails) that are designed for harsh and heavy-duty work. The material is fed into the flails by the powerful rollers which then smash the green material into small pieces. The shredded material is then discharged through the large chute which is boosted by an air assist process.
The processing is monitored and controlled by an electronic auto fee device, similar to traditional wood chippers. This enables the material to enter the chipper at the correct speed without having to worry about the engine stalling. It also enables maximum capacity and work rate.
With a throughput of up to 3 times per hour, the Timberwolf S426TDHB Shredder quickly disposes of green waste in an efficient way.

The Timberwolf S426TDHB Shredder is powered by a four-cylinder 45 hp Kubota diesel engine. My experience with Kubota engines has been extremely good. Kubota diesel engines are extremely quiet and fairly vibration-free, this is very important when you are standing next to machine all day! Kubota also has a good dealer network, which brings peace of mind.
To Conclude
Timberwolf has been making chippers for over 30 years, they are Britain’s top-selling chipper. In fact, I would say that here in East Anglia 90% of tree surgeons and arborists only Timberwolf chipper! The Timberwolf brand is very well trusted and recognised. The great thing is that Timberwolf has a very good dealer network and spare parts are readily available.
Timberwolf offers an optional five-year warranty, which to me brings great peace of mind. Apart from the normal wear and parts and servicing costs you have no added expenses. This can be worth a lot to the tree surgeon who can’t afford to have breakdowns, especially in busy periods.
Engine45hp Kubota 4-cylinder turbo engine
Tank capacity33 litre (7.2 gallons)
Length3600mm (tray up) 4220mm (tray down)
Maximum diameter infeed426mm x 230mm
ThroughputUp to 3 tonnes per hour
Feed MethodHydraulic roller Auto Feed Control/Auto Back off
Blades18 single form replaceable hammers