Dipperfox Stump Crusher 600

Today we are looking at something a bit different, the Dipperfox stump crusher 600 or stump grinder. Recently we looked at the Dipperfox stump crusher 850 pro, however, DipperFox is now introducing a smaller stump crusher known as the Dipperfox 600.
The Dipperfox 850 pro is a great stump crusher, however, many users, do not have a large enough power unit to drive a stump crusher of this size. Hence why I believe the stump crusher will be highly successful.
You Can Find Smaller Stump Grinders Here

The Dipperfox Stump Crusher 600
Having run traditional stump grinders since 2004, I know the limitations and the time it takes to grind out a large tree stump. I’m currently using a Predator 38 RX radio remote machine which is great for getting into private gardens with limited access. However, something like the stump crusher 600 could potentially change stump grinding for the future. I appreciate that getting into domestic gardens in the UK will always be an issue and I guess I will always have to run something like the Predator 38 stump grinder. However, I really like the idea of having a stump grinder that can remove stomps quickly and doesn’t need to be guarded up.
Here You Can See The Dipperfox Stump Crusher 600 Being Used On A Yanmar 5.5 Ton Excavator
The Dipperfox stump crusher 600 is 60 cm in diameter. In my experience, this is more than wide enough for most tree stumps. However, the Dipperfox 600 can be moved around easily. So the stump cutter can actually cope with any size stump. I know how long it takes to grind a tree stump with a traditional stump grinder. The Dipperfox Stump Crusher 600 really make short work of tree stumps. The grinding depth of the stump crusher 600 is up to 700 mm. Which is much deeper than a traditional stump grinder that would probably go to around 45 cm.
What Are the Advantages Of The Dipperfox Stump Crusher 600?
Many people may think that if you have an excavator on-site, why not just dig the tree stump out? The problem with digging a large tree stump out is the fact that it actually takes quite a lot of work to dig a large tree stump out. The other major problem is the fact that; what do you do with the tree stump once it is dug out? It costs money to dispose of a large tree stump. This is where the stump crusher 600 saves time and money. There is no levelling to be carried out after the stump has been crushed. All the chippings can go back into the ground.
The manufacturers claim that the average tree stump takes 20 seconds, this is pretty remarkable. Even if it took a few minutes, it would still be impressive!
Another great plus point is the fact that the debris isn’t thrown everywhere, so there is no need to guard up. The maximum speed of the stump crusher is only 60 revolutions per minute.
The Dipperfox Stump crusher 600 can be used below the ground level.
To Conclude
I really like the idea of the Dipperfox Stump Crusher 600, it really seems like a quick time-saving design. It would be good to see the stump crusher in live-action, so far I have only seen the stump crusher on video. I hope to see a live demonstration of the stump crusher 600 working very soon. It’s not a cheap machine at around €19,000, but I can see that it could certainly be a time-saving machine the great work rate.
For more information, you can visit the Dipperfox website here.